Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Experimental Whole Wheat Noodles with a White Yogurt Sauce

 Hi everyone!
So if anyone has read my last two blog post you will know that I just got back to school and moved into a tiny studio apartment. To emphasize that point please refer to the picture of my tiny kitchen. If I keep the fridge door closed I can just open the oven door and same with the fridge door if I keep the oven closed! I have two pots, a wok, and 3 frying pans.  slowly but surely it is becoming a real kitchen!

So last night I came home and had a hankering for noodles but I didn't have any sauce. oh darn, guess that means I have to make my own! =D

My dad gave me moms old miracle blades!
WARNING: This sauce was highly experimental, please do some experimentation of your own to achieve the sauce you desire.

On a side note look what my parents gave me to make my kitchen...
<----------more "kitcheny".


>noodles of your choice. (3/4 cup of the above was 200 cal.)
>Plain yogurt
>Some sort of dry salad dressing mix (I got the above in Germany, but your local market carries it too haha)

(*really it is all optional)

>1 tomato (optional)
> diced garlic
>salt and pepper to taste
> olive oil or butter.


1. Bring your noodles to a boil. (add a pinch of salt for taste while it boils)

2. while your pasta is going to town for the next 15 or so minutes (I like mine al dente, Ie: slightly chewy if you like mushy pasta and are over 6 and under 76...I say ew)
Measure out your yogurt. I used about 3/4 cup, but I also don't like a lot of sauce so measure to your preference.

3. Start to heat the yogurt  at a low heat adding pepper and garlic.
 (I wish I had, had cheese to add.)

4. As the yogurt starts to gurgle and boil a bit you can  slowly stir in the salad mix of your choice. I chose Italian. Now I did not measure for this and I do not think you should either. Everyone likes it weaker or stronger so add and taste and add more until you are satisfied.

Dice sliced and texting! :)
5 Dice your tomato. Since I was cooking for me alone I diced half and ate the other half while cooking.

NOTE: I recommend using a serrated blade like the one pictured below it will cut the soft flesh of the tomato more easily.

6. You can either add the tomatos afterwards or add it straight to the sauce. I added mine to the sauce because I personally believe that warmth brings out the flavor.

7. let the sauce sit off to a simmer. So it can thicken a bit. Mine did not thicken as much as I would have liked. try adding a bit of butter for both flavor and thickening. (as well as any other thickening agents depending on how you like it. (ie: flour)


8. Once you have your noodles strained you can either toss them with olive oil to keep them from sticking or add them straight to the sauce. I also added fresh spinach to mine!

Don't forget the ever important wine...or grape juice for those of you underage. ;)
and vwala!

Enjoy! And please add comments! I urge you to experiment with your food!
 Did you do anything differently? Tell me about it!

Monday, September 10, 2012


What was a world without internet!?

Hello everyone!
Today a wonderful gentleman from my internet provider came and got my wee little apartment all hooked up, it is finally a home! The poor man was probably afraid I would pop of excitement as I watched him mess with all the gadgets, he was even kind enough to set up my router for me!

This is wonderful for a few reasons:

1. I am completely and utterly addicted to social media and breaking news stories.
2. Hey, I am a student and internet is sort of a priority. (yay to no more hikes to the library)
3. I can start updating this sad little bog again!

So, I have some breaking news of my own. (hold onto your pants)

I am taking recipe requests! What is a recipe you really love, want to try, or just think sounds interesting. It could even be one you made up! I am going to choose five to make and feature on my blog!

(Earth shattering breaking news, I know)

Also I have a Facebook page! 

Check it out:https: Juke Kitchen Creations Facebook!

Post soon, 


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

More to Come

Hey everybody who may or may not (most likely not) be reading my blog.
I  am sorry for the long extended absence. August was full of much needed vacation, huge family reunion/ wedding, and the start of school. That last part included moving from Colorado back to Washington state and moving into a new apartment. I seriously don't even have internet yet at my humble tiny, tiny, very tiny studio.
 I will be reconnected on Monday!

Posts soon to come, invite your friends!

- Chelsea May