Saturday, July 28, 2012

How I Do... Experimentation!

This is just a little info on how I work in the kitchen. For starters I don't really follow recipes. I mean obviously I do but only to an extent. I like to experiment and I STRONGLY encourage this.

I like to think I got this experimentation in the kitchen from being primarily raised by my single father. Don't get me wrong my mom is quite the adventurer in the kitchen, but my dad...there are no words for some of the stuff that man came up with when my brother and I were kids. As weird as some of it looked and as many of my friend refused to eat, it was always delish!

So in my recipes and videos, if I ever get around to editing those. You will see me look around the kitchen, and sometimes even run to the store to get stuff for the recipe, just because I get the thought, "hmm I bet that would be good".

In my description I said that just because you can't afford much doesn't mean you can't afford some good food. That however does not mean you wont see ramen or a lot of rice on this blog. (hey, I have loans to pay off! LOL)

//To use it in the food or to drink it, life is full of tough choices//

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